5 Tips For Better Headshots
Using a selfie is like cutting your own hair!
Tip 1
Hire a Pro
It is challenging to capture the perfect expression of yourself by yourself, and this is the main reason why it's highly recommended to work with a professional. A headshot photographer will help you create the images that inspire confidence, and they certainly won’t let any photos leave their studio that show you in less than top form.
Make sure your clothes fit
Tip 2
Try It On
Pick your favorite clothes, but make sure they are still fresh and comfortable. If you pick an outfit you've not worn in a while, try it on before you go to the studio to make sure it still looks and feels as good as you remember.
Don't Raise the Camera
Tip 3
Stay at Eyelevel
You appear diminished when the camera is above you. The camera should be just below eye level to ensure the viewer sees you as an equal. BTW, if you are worried about not showing your double chin, a headshot photographer will know how to handle that without looking down on you.
Avoid Busy Patterns
Tip 4
Minimize Distractions
This is your chance to connect with the viewer, and you want their full attention to be on you and not what you're wearing. The same goes for jewelry and accessories. Minimal jewelry, solid colors, or simple patterns, and some texture works best.
Makeup - don't go overbooard
Tip 5
Natural Look
If you choose to wear makeup, start natural and light, especially around the eyes. You can always add more during the session if you want more, but it's best to start light and go for subtle definition. No makeup? Moisturizer will help your skin look healthy and vibrant.